As part of the Mull and Iona Community Trust’s commitment to establish the demand and need for more childcare provision, we are excited to be working with Argyll and Bute Council to offer extended childcare at Tobermory Pre 5 Unit during term time and school holidays. This is part of the Scottish Governments Early Learning and Childcare Trials which will test a variety of models for delivering 1140 hours free childcare.
We are currently in the process of registering our childcare service ‘Mini Muileachs’ and will shortly be recruiting, in time for the trials to start during the 2017 summer holidays, going through to June 2018. Although first priority will be given to those registered for pre 5 at Tobermory from August 2017, children registered at other pre 5 units on Mull, will be able to access additional hours at Tobermory.
Parents of eligible children will shortly receive a letter in the post inviting them to an information evening, hosted by us and Argyll and Bute Council, in Tobermory School on Thursday 27th April at 6.30pm.