MICT has taken responsibility for working with the Scottish Ambulance Service to ensure that the public access defibrillators already in place around the island are known to the Ambulance Service emergency call handlers. This was reported in the December 2014 edition and I thought it would be useful to provide an update.
The number of public access defibrillators is increasing as we secure funding and with the agreement of willing businesses and building owners install them at strategic locations around the island. We have produced a map which is printed here and is also available on the MICT Website and Facebook page. Please feel free to make use of this on your own websites and publications. The more people aware the better!
The defibrillators are checked every month by local volunteer “Guardians”. These checks are coordinated by Cheryl Callow (north) and Jenny Jeffree (south), who then confirm to the ambulance service that each and every unit is functioning and operational.
It is vital that in an emergency, a 999 call is made to ensure that the ambulance service dispatches an ambulance and if one is available, a Community First Responder – please do not forget to call 999 if you ever have to make use of one of the public access defibrillators.

Download a PDF version here.
Anyone calling 999 who might need access to a defibrillator will be advised of the location of the nearest one by the call handler.
There is of course a running cost for the public access defibrillators – to replace the batteries (5 years) and the sticky pads (3 years). So if you would like to contribute to a revenue fund, a small donation would be much appreciated. Please click here to donate.
There are now four Community First Responder Networks operating – on Iona, the Ross of Mull, Dervaig and Tobermory. This is thanks to residents volunteering to take on this important and valuable role. We are in the process of discussing with the Scottish Ambulance Service setting up a new group based in Ulva Ferry and hope that this might happen in the next few months.
If you are interested in receiving the defibrillator training and CPR training or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer Community First Responder or would simply like to know more, please contact Moray Finch mfinch@mict.co.uk Tel. 01680 812905