New Deputy General Manager

We are very happy to welcome our brand new Deputy General Manager, Dot Stewart, to the team.

“I am delighted to have taken up the new post of Deputy General Manager for Mull and Iona Community Trust. Originally from Livingston, I came to Mull in 2003 to work at the Camas Outdoor Centre. I was meant to stay 6 months, but found it hard to leave and ended up staying 6 years! I’ve lived on Iona since 2009, where I managed the St Columba Hotel and I’m also a member of the Ross of Mull Coastguard Rescue Team. I have been impressed by the variety and success of MICT’s projects over the years and look forward to supporting and developing that in this new role.”

Moray Finch said “At last, having Dot as part of the team will increase our capacity to help deliver the many projects that we have in the pipeline.”

Mull Eagle Watch 2017

Monday 10th March 2017

It’s the start of the new Mull Eagle Watch season tomorrow!

Rachel French will be leading tours at the West Ardhu site (North West Mull Community Woodland Company in Dervaig and Meryl Varty will be at Glen Seilideir leading tours at Tiroran Community Forest.

To book a place on a tour at either hide, please call the Craignure Visitor Information Centre on 01680 812556.

You can keep up with the ranger blog here: 

(Image courtesy of Ewan Miles)

New Project & Job Vacancy!

6th March 2017

We’re really pleased to be able to announce a new project thanks to a grant award from the Climate Challenge Fund
We aim to provide education and practical demonstrations to show that waste materials are a valuable community asset that can provide environmental and economic benefits to the islands.
Hopefully, this will involve closed working with the Council to further improve recycling provision on the islands.
We are recruiting for a full time project officer for this project, full details can be found on our vacancies page 
It’s also great to see the Iona Renewables Group has also been awarded a grant to help homeowners, tenants and businesses to access energy efficiency surveys and provide a variety of additional support to ensure that any recommended physical improvements to buildings that will reduce energy use do take place.

Moray Finch

Scottish Thistle Awards 2017

17th March 2017
The Mull Eagle Watch team attended the final of the Scottish Thistle Awards in Edinburgh last night having being nominated in the Innovation in Tourism category. There were only 2 wildlife nominations for the whole event, Mull Eaagle Watch and Ecoventures at Cromarty who we sadly lost out too – but it was a great achievement to make it to the Final and fantastic to see a picture of a white tailed eagle on the big screen. What a great end to the year – 2 out of 3 awards along with continuation of our Visit Scotland 5 Star rating, Gold Green Tourism rating. In the words of Meatloaf ‘2 outta 3 ain’t bad’ thank you everyone for your support as ever. News about the 2017 season coming soon. 

Significant Funding for Tobermory Light Industrial!

Our plans for the light industrial park have received a significant funding boost, thanks to our successful application to the Scottish Governments Regeneration Capital Grant Fund. The award of £1.6 million, towards the construction of the park, will provide a flexible range of storage and business premises for up to 15 new or expanding businesses, and community uses.
Andrew Robertson, a Director of the Mull and Iona Community Trust said ‘We have been dedicated to progressing this community project since we were approached regarding the lack of business premises in 2007. This award will give confidence to the other funding bodies we are in discussions with to secure the balance of funding needed for this £2.78 million project and bring it to fruition for the benefit of our island economy’.…/regeneration-projects-bene…

Another grant for the Ulva Ferry Community Bus!

21st February 2017

We are delighted to announce another significant grant for the Ulva Ferry Community Bus! Big Lottery Fund Scotland has awarded £28,406 to enable us to keep the Bus on the road. Along with the recent grant from Scottish Sea Farms, we now have the majority of funds in place to keep the bus going for the next 3 years!

A huge thank you to Big Lottery Fund Scotland for their commitment to Ulva School Community Association and Mull and Iona Community Trust, acknowledging the essential service the Community Bus provides to Ulva Ferry residents.

Great new for Ulva Ferry Community Bus

17th February 2017

The Ulva Ferry Community Bus on the Isle of Mull was in danger of being off the road this year, as the running costs of over £18,000 were not covered from fare income and the current grant runs out in March 2017. Scottish Sea Farms has stepped in with a Heart of the Community grant of over £9,000, which will cover half the running costs of this vital service.

Helen MacDonald, Ulva Ferry Local Development Officer, said: “The support from Scottish Sea Farms will keep this essential bus on the road. The service enables residents to attend medical appointments, community events and make social trips, reducing isolation, particularly for those who have impaired mobility.”

Colin MacDonald, Scottish Sea Farms marine manager at Creran, said: “Services like the Ulva Ferry Community Bus are so important to island residents. Sometimes there is just no alternative transport and people can miss out on a host of activities and social interaction. Mull is a great place to live and this bus helps everyone to participate in community life. We are delighted that our Heart of the Community funding will help keep this bus on the road this year.”