Visitor Management Infrastructure Feasibility Study
– Stage One Report
This feasibility was commissioned by the Mull and Iona Community Trust (MICT) in March 2012. It aims to assess the viability of enhancing visitor infrastructure on the islands of Mull and Iona with a view to delivering a better visitor experience on the islands and helping to manage visitors more effectively.
The full study, of which this report is only phase one, comprises:
o An assessment of the market and core audience segments
o An assessment of the current facilities and key issues and opportunities
o An identification of interpretive significance and suggested key interpretive messages
o A set of costed recommendations for visitor facility and visitor experience improvements
o An action plan covering the next three years
The appendices include a summary of the main consultation meetings and the full site audit. The study is large in terms of geographical area and scope in relation to the budget and timescale. It has therefore been essential to remain focused on the core objectives of the study in order to provide an action plan that is both useful and meets the needs of the client team at this stage.
Please click on the following links to access the full report RRHC – MullIona VMI Feasibility Study Stage One
– Final Summary Report
The final report from Heritage Consulting is now available for viewing. This will form the basis of funding applications for the highest priority items which have been highlighted in the report – those which will alleviate the problem of congestion in passing places. Click here to view the report.