Winter heating bills are rising to unaffordable levels and we are keen to remind permanent residents of Mull, Iona, Ulva, Gometra and Erraid that financial help is available from the Fuel Hardship Fund.
The Fuel Hardship Fund is a home grown scheme run by The Waterfall Fund, an independent charity setup to receive the profits from Garmony Hydro and distribute them as grants to the communities of Mull and Iona. Garmony Hydro and the Waterfall Fund were setup by Mull and Iona Community Trust. Residents able to demonstrate they are in fuel poverty will receive one-off payments of £250 per household no matter how their house is heated. Applications to this fund are completely confidential.
In addition to the Fuel Hardship Fund, further support is available:
- Get help with your energy bills – Scottish Government
- Home energy and fuel poverty – Scottish Government
- Grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills – Citizens Advice Bureau
- Funding for energy efficiency in homes – Citizens Advice Bureau
We would also like to highlight this guide Do You have Money Worries developed by the Bute Advice Centre. The helpful guide covers topics such as maximising your income, budgeting tips, dealing with debt, energy advice and support services.
For more information on The Fuel Hardship Fund please contact admin@thewaterfallfund.co.uk